a complete projects provider facilitating quality production of audio books.
Recording of the writer, or a famous actor, sound overlays, cutting, post production, collaboration with publishers and distribution channels.
Examples of an audio book project by Taos Music is "Leila's Friends", by Cecile Rossant. Recorded in the Taos Music studio by Ed Epstein. Reciter Cecile Rossant. Music by Ed Epstein.
Listen to a short excerpt from Leila's Friends below:

Actor Krister Henriksson during a
mobile recording session of the
novel "the Manor House".
Further examples of recorded audio books:
- "the Manor House" by
Anna-Karin Palm, the well-known Swedish actor Krister Henriksson is reading, the mobile recordings were made in the south of Sweden.
Listen to a short excerpt from the book:
- "All he ever dreamed of" by Anita Shreve. The Swedish actor Sven-Bertil Taube reads, recorded in London. Listen when Mr. Taube reads (press F5 to update if the player is not visible):
- "Swedish Murders" by Jan-Öjvind Swahn
- "Won or lost" by Bodil Jönsson.
The four projects listed above are produced by Nordqvist Productions AB for Bonnier Audio. Taos Music where commisioned to record the audio books using a mobile system: Apple PowerBook G4, Dididesign interface (MBox or Digi 001), Nuemann U87 microphone.
In addition to the portable system, the Taos Music own recording studio for voice and voice-over productions, also Mac-based (dual 2.5 G5/Pro Tools), has everything needed to deliver very high quality at a attractive price.
Ed Epstein, the man behind Taos Music, also want's to mention music, which is a big part of his life. He is a saxophonist and composer. As a musician, he has a lot of ideas on how to enrich the audiobook genre with small, subtle musical means.